Product certification is the set of controls by which it is ensured, with reasonable reliability, that a specific product complies with a specific standard or other technical document.
In this context, the IGQ activity is divided into the following categories:
- Voluntary product certification against international, national and proprietary technical specifications (Accredia Accreditation according to ISO 17065)
- Certification for the purposes of the declaration of performance and the CE marking of construction products in accordance with Regulation(EU) n 305/2011 Construction Product Regulation (IGQ is Notified Body with the number 1608)
- Certificates of conformity pursuant to Law 11 December 2016, n. 232 (and subsequent amendments) relating to tax benefits for Impresa 4.0 – Industria 4.0 (Accredia Accreditation according to ISO 17065)
- Certification of the content of Recycled and/or Recovered and/or By-product material, in accordance with the requirements of UNI PdR 88: 2020. This certification can be considered an appropriate means of verification to demonstrate the requirements relating to the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM).
- Validations of Recycled content claims according to ISO 14021. This validation can be considered an appropriate means of verification to demonstrate LEED requirements.